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SAP S/4HANA is short for Suite 4 HANA. SAP S/4HANA is ERP software that is the successor to the previous core product ... View full definition.
Avantra recently became available in the Google Cloud Marketplace. It is worth mentioning here that we have fully containerized the deployment of Avantra here, so each component runs in a separate container. For the database, we use Cloud SQL.
How CodeProfiler for ABAP works
Since jobs and backups should run at set times for organizational or technical reasons, automating them is a good idea. In simple, clear system environments, many SAP Basis administrators help themselves with SAP CPS (Central Process Scheduling) and simple ABAP batch jobs that start operations or other jobs. Since the desires and the system environments usually grow continuously, this approach becomes complex and confusing over time and troubleshooting often becomes difficult. As a result, maintainability often falls by the wayside and error-proneness can increase. If different jobs are strung together to form chains, further problems arise.
SAP Basis administration is distinct from other roles such as ABAP developers and consultants who handle architecture. In many companies, the boundaries between administration and development are blurred. Admins may therefore also be involved in the planning and development of the system.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
This post explains how a user's password protection can be circumvented and how to prevent it.
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on
Ten years ago, SAP HANA was little more than a promise that made SAP CEO Hasso Plattner's eyes light up.