SAP Basis Clear authorization concept - SAP Corner

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Clear authorization concept
Preparation of the migration to the SAP HANA database
These cloud resources are integrated with existing on-premises resources and deployments on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. The result is a branching web of connections that, in its entirety, creates the Enterprise Hybrid Cloud.

Within this step, a pricing strategy is chosen. The strategy chosen must be based on the value for money. The selection shall also be justified. The price of the service will continue to be determined, as will formal decisions on clearing models and discounts. This step is less important for the SAP basis. While it is necessary to set a price for the IT products to be defined in terms of appreciation and offsetting, it does not require an elaborate pricing system. STEP 8: MARKET COMMUNICATION The step of market communication describes the way in which the respective service is advertised and how it is to be communicated with customers in this regard. It's about the communication tools that are planned, which describe the place of communication, the communication tools that describe what to advertise, and the content. These are usually derived from the target group to be applied for. For the SAP basis, the content is an essential feature of the market communication. That is, depending on the target group, information must be created and communicated. STEP 9: INTERNAL COMMUNICATION Internal communication describes how the above-mentioned aspects can also be successfully communicated internally, i.e. in the direction of one's employees.
Root cause analysis
You can view them using the RSPUTPRT report or the AL11 transaction. AUTO_MOD_SPAU This step checks whether modifications can be adjusted automatically. RUN_SPAU_? This step prompts you to customise your modifications to Repository objects by calling the transaction SPAU. EPILOGUE In this step the insertion is completed. Checks whether the queue is fully processed. In this case, transport buffer entries should no longer exist for the Queue. There are the following reasons that may lead to the termination of this step: TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: Unable to call tp interface. TP_FAILURE: The tp programme could not be run. For more information, see the SLOG or ALOG log file.

HANA optimization makes your own programs really fast. ABAP firewall: 92% less effort, 98% lower costs. Set quality standards for internal and external developments. Accurate and resource-saving analysis and evaluation. Security and compliance risks: significantly reduced.

Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".

It includes all the technical components mentioned above.

The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.

Incidentally, the problem arises particularly frequently after role transports: If an authorization role is changed in the development system and then transported to the production system, the current profile is not automatically assigned to the users with the respective role.
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