SAP Basis Configure EDI Shipping of Orders - SAP Corner

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Configure EDI Shipping of Orders
What are the tasks of an SAP administrator?
Understanding the structure and functionality of the system is especially important for IT administration. It's not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a career field in its own right. Instead of data and application development, the focus here is on providing the software environment on which the company's tools are created. SAP Basis is therefore comparable to the server and platform infrastructure and its administration in companies - as distinct from application and web development.

The database layer manages all data in the R/3 System. It contains the database management system (DBMS) and the actual data.
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The default value of the profile parameter is 1, so the weak hashes are generated for each user. Preventing weak password hashes The generation of unsafe hash values can be prevented by setting the login/password_downwards_compatibility profile parameter to 0. Note that a change only takes effect when the instance is restarted!

To establish the new and changed roles in one's own company, it is necessary to create incentives. This applies in particular to specialised roles. Incentives could include, for example, the offer to attend selected SME congresses, the setting of a career path, training and monetary incentives. The new roles also provide increased visibility and participation in company decisions.

The "Shortcut for SAP Systems" tool is ideal for doing many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.

For more information, see Steps of the SPAM [page 26].

The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.

Result You have defined a queue.
SAP Corner
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