Configure SAP's Transport Management System (TMS)
To transport rejected transport jobs in the SAP system
SAP Basis represents the cornerstone of the SAP system, i.e. the foundation without which the system cannot function. Furthermore, it includes some administration tools and middleware programs. These programs can be used with the help of SAP Basis independently of the operating system and database used.
The following figure shows the logging for the SAP standard group "SUPER". For this group, all activities are recorded in all clients.
Transport management
The support packages were successfully fed into a system (test or development system). You performed the modification synchronisation. Procedure Load the support packages into the next system (quality or production system). You must distinguish between the following cases: Their systems have a common transport directory: Release Level 3.x: If the *.ATT files are not present, run RSEPSDOL in the source system and then RSEPSUPL in the target system. If the *.ATT files are present, run only RSEPSUPL in the target system. Release level 4.x: Select SPAM Support Package Upload in the target system. Your systems do not have a common transport directory: Release Level 3.x: Run RSEPSDOL in the source system to create the *.ATT files if they do not already exist. With ftp, transfer all files with the *.PAT extension in binary mode and all files with the *.ATT extension in ASCII mode from the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in directory (UNIX and AS/400) or :\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in (Windows NT) of the source system to the target system transport directory. Run RSEPSUPL in the target system. Release level 4.x: With ftp in binary mode, transfer all files with the *.PAT extension from the source system's /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in (UNIX and AS/400) or :\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in (Windows NT) directory to the target system's transport directory. Select SPAM Support Package Upload in the target system. Play the Support Packages as usual. Import the Modification Balance Transport. Steps of the SPAM The SAP Patch Manager informs you about the step in progress in the status bar. If you want to know what steps are being performed for which scenario, run RSSPAM10.
The core of the three-layer model is the application layer. This consists of one or more application servers and a message server. Companies use the application server to provide services for the operation of applications in SAP. The message server serves as an "intermediary" between the applications and services, for example, by controlling communication between the individual application servers and determining the load on the application servers. Furthermore, the data is prepared for the user in the application view so that the user can call up the data visually in the presentation layer. At the same time, the user data is forwarded to the database.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
The HANA database (in-memory database) is an in-house development by SAP and brings with it numerous innovations.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:
The possibilities and limits are examined and corresponding specifications and tools are developed in order to use the technologies profitably.