SAP Basis Conflict Resolution Transport - SAP Corner

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Conflict Resolution Transport
Projects: Your SAP Basis administrator plays a key role in planning and executing system upgrades and migrations. He is also responsible for transport management and tests software updates to ensure they are compatible with the landscape. In addition, he must ensure that they are installed in the correct order.

In the SAP NetWeaver BI Authorization Concept lesson, the training participant is familiarized with the authorization functions of the SAP Business Information Warehouse. The differences between the authorization concept for ERP systems and the authorization concept for NetWeaver BI are taught.
Web Development
This point may sound a little trivial at first. Who tests, surely documents this? Experience shows: Yes, but often patchy. In the case of unsuccessful tests, where subsequent or additional developments are due and the cause of the error is not directly apparent at first glance, good result documentation often pays off. This saves developers time in communication and effort by re-imagining the scenario. At this point, the SAP Solution Manager offers extensive opportunities to manage templates and result documents centrally and in the individual test plans. Automated testing only Automated testing offers many advantages, whether it is a higher software quality through more comprehensive test coverage or reusability of test cases. However, it does not always make sense to use only automated test scripts. A less good choice is the test automation for frequently changing software or processes, because the maintenance effort can be enormous. At this point, it is often more effective to run manual test runs instead of spending a lot of time customising test scripts. Poor test preparation The relevant processes have been defined, the test plans have been created and the test period has begun - so can testing begin? Not always. Lack of test preparation often leads to unplanned additional time costs. Sometimes the testers were not familiar with the test environment or no one thought about taking care of a sufficient and current test data set (master data, movement data). Make sure you have thought of everything you need! (missing test data, unrepresentative test environment, unstable).

There is no way around containers, and even SAP will soon have to reorient itself here and allow the NetWeaver stack to be run in containers. There are many indications that Kubernetes will win the battle for supremacy among container management tools. SAP has also already invested in Gardener and is also intensifying its partnerships with IBM and Red Hat Openshift.

Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.

The alias of BASIS is SAP Application Server Technology and the alias of NetWeaver is SAP Web Application Server.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on

This now applies to many industries and corporate divisions.
SAP Corner
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