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A partner agreement must be entered into for each supplier in the transaction WE20. Such an agreement shall determine how the electronic data are processed. Select the vendor partner type LI and create a new partner agreement. In this example, a new partner agreement is created for IDES AG as a supplier. Enter the vendor's partner number in the appropriate input field and select LI as the vendor's partner type. The next step is to define the output parameters. These specify how the outgoing data should be processed. The message type defines what kind of messages should be processed. The Output Options tab specifies the port to send the message to and the IDoc type. The IDoc base type ORDERS05 matches the ORDERS message. The Message Control tab defines which application should generate a message. In this case a message should be generated when a new order is created. If an order is placed for a product of IDES AG in the transaction ME21N, this order will be automatically sent in electronic form.
You can control the access rights as usual. The big advantage of CMC tab configuration is that you can easily grant or withdraw group access to specific tabs. This gives you the ability to prepare background access permissions and then unlock all permissions by clicking on the CMC tab configuration. On the other hand, this allows you to remove accesses without having to edit any existing permissions. Have you already experienced CMC tab configuration or have questions about the application? I welcome any suggestions you may make as a comment.
SARE Archive Explorer
SAP will provide all SAP Notes in the SAP ONE Support Launchpad digitally signed. This is to increase the security when the updates are loaded. If you have unsigned SAP hints, there is a risk that the notice has been changed unnoticed and malicious code will be added to your SAP system when you install the notice. This poses a significant threat to the SAP system, which is why the digitally signed provision of the clues is an important improvement. However, to use digitally signed notes in your system, you will need to take a few steps to prepare them. If you install SAPCAR version 7.2 or later and have a user with the necessary permissions, all you have to do is insert the Note 2408073 into your system and do the manual pre- and post-processing. A digital signature technically ensures that any change can be detected at the notice and can be checked by the system to see if the present note, which is to be inserted into the system, is unchanged. Prerequisites to use digitally signed SAP hints To prepare your SAP system for digitally signed clues, you first have to meet some requirements: Digital signed SAP hints are provided as SAR files. The SAR files are unpacked with SAPCAR and checked for their digital signature. SAPCAR must be available on the Application Server in version 7.20 or higher. Therefore, it is strongly advised to update SAPCAR. If SAPCAR is not at least in version 7.20, the digital signature verification fails and the message cannot be unzipped. Installation of the digitally signed clue is then not possible. The implementing user also needs some permissions to perform the necessary manual pre- and post-processing of the note on the system: Authentication for the transaction SLG1 Read permission for the S_APPL_LOG permission to write and delete data from the application directory Upgrade the SAPCAR version on your system to version 7.20 or higher SAP basis version 700 or higher, for older versions the notice must be inserted manually If you have met these requirements, you can use the implementation of note 24080 Start 73. Implementation SAP Note number 2408073.
INTRODUCTION A growing number of SAP-based departments are facing major changes and challenges within the SAP product portfolio as well as in their own task environment. These result from influences of digitalisation, digital transformation, new technologies such as cloud computing or big data, but also developments such as customer experience or the Internet of Things. In order to overcome the challenges and to transform the existing SAP basis, recommendations for action are grouped in seven thematic areas. These topics cover the areas of skills and roles (cloud and supplier management, strengthening of the technology architect, focus on project work), marketing and self-understanding (creation of a service catalogue, regular exchange with the CIO, renaming of the SAP basis), new technologies and innovation (test and innovation lab, proactive & regular training), organisation in change (development of the two subject areas close to structure and application-orientated , virtual teams of experts), standardisation and automation (automation of routine tasks, outtasking of rare tasks), "cloudability", outsourcing & outtasking (assessment of usefulness for the cloud, use of appropriate service forms) and IT roadmap (influence of own IT roadmap). By reflecting on the thematic areas, methods and possibilities for implementing the recommendations are presented.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
It must be specified which users can get special rights.
SAP Basis refers to the administration of SAP system that includes activities like installation and configuration, load balancing, and performance of SAP applications running on Java stack and SAP ABAP. This includes the maintenance of different services related to database, operating system, application and web servers in SAP system landscape and stopping and starting the system. Here you can find some useful information about SAP Basis:
In order to drive innovation in the company, it is necessary to establish a team or a few experts whose recognised role is to promote research projects and PoCs, to continuously train themselves in this regard, to develop innovation proposals and to bring them into the committees.