From installation to ongoing support
The SAP Patch Manager (SPAM) is the online correction support (OCS) customer site. The SPAM transaction gives you the ability to easily and efficiently import support packages provided by SAP into your system. Depending on the system used or the configuration of your system, you must insert different types of Support Packages [page 8]. You will receive support packages in SAPNet - Web Frontend, in SAPNet - R/3 Frontend or on Collection CDs. Since SPAM runs within the SAP system, you do not need to know the operating system to handle the transaction. In the language usage of SAP, the term patch has been replaced by the term support package. Note that you can only work with this transaction in SAP GUI for Java and SAP GUI for Windows.
Since 2000 we support companies with individual services around SAP and various databases. Our experts have more than 20 years of experience and support a large number of customers in various industries. You can find examples below.
What is BASIS?
Application layer: The application layer is the central component of the SAP ERP system and is therefore also referred to as the base system. All applications and calculations are executed here. The application layer communicates with both the database layer and the presentation layer. On the one hand, it requests data from the database layer, processes it and then passes it on to the presentation layer. On the other hand, data that is newly entered in the presentation layer is passed on to the database layer and stored there.
Ten years ago, there wasn't much more for SAP Basis experts than SAP Solution Manager. And most Basis administrators only used it at all because SAP virtually forced them to use SolMan to download updates.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
Conclusion It is a popular approach among hackers to use updates that are usually intended to fix bugs or increase security to inject malicious code into the system.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:
At this point, it is often more effective to run manual test runs instead of spending a lot of time customising test scripts.