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An important area of SAP Security is the analysis of the customer's own SAP programs, which are classically written in the proprietary SAP language ABAP. Here, too, as in all programming languages, security vulnerabilities can be programmed - whether consciously or unconsciously. However, the patterns of security vulnerabilities in ABAP code differ from those in Java stacks or Windows programs. The goal of these conventional programs is usually to either crash the program (buffer overflow) or to artificially execute the program's own code (code injection). Both is not possible in ABAP, since a crash of a process causes nothing else than the creation of an entry in the log database (Dump ST22) and a subsequent termination of the report with return to the menu starting point. So a direct manipulation as in other high level languages or servers is not possible. However, there are other manipulation possibilities.

IT professionals are taking the first steps in automation with the use of tools like RedHat Ansible. At our company, for example, Ansible is used for mass rollouts of agents in large environments.
What is "SAP Basis" and what are the tasks of "SAP Basis administrators"?
The SAP basis is often perceived as a brake within projects or when introducing new technologies. This is partly due to the late consultation of the SAP basis on the issues of technical feasibility as well as the integration of new technologies and applications into the existing system landscape. By implementing the recommendations, the SAP basis is repositioning itself in parts within the IT organisation. The SAP basis has a clearly defined self-understanding (inward-looking perception) as well as a clear positioning and a defined task area within the IT organisation (outward-facing perception), as shown in Figure 5. By integrating the SAP basis into the development of the IT strategy, the digitisation strategy and a clear communication with the CIO, the SAP basis has the opportunity to deal with technologies and topics at an early stage. As a result, the SAP basis is prepared for requests from business units or other IT departments and has the opportunity to approach them proactively. The SAP basis is supported by an IT service and IT product catalogue, which describes the scope of the SAP basis. For internal communication and communication with external service providers, as well as other suppliers, outsourcing partners or outsourcing partners and cloud service providers, there are up-to-date and meaningful documentation and process descriptions. For the control, measurement and monitoring of external partners, Service Level Agreements and meaningful key figures are also available.

What makes using Avantra so interesting is the elimination of manual effort. This frees up SAP technology teams to build new skills.

For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.

Likewise, the SAP Basis system provides an environment in which SAP programs can run.

On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.

Procedure To reset the status of a Support Package or Queue, select Add Status Reset.
SAP Corner
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