SAP Basis /IWFND/TRACES SAP gateway traces - SAP Corner

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/IWFND/TRACES SAP gateway traces
System up-to-dateness
In addition to purely administrative tasks, SAP administrators are also responsible for communication. They cooperate with the company's internal support departments and work with them on ways to help users solve and avoid any problems and pitfalls when using SAP solutions. For internal purposes, the SAP administrator also prepares documentation and uses it to search for errors, the cause of which he or she tries to combat. If necessary, he or she communicates with decision-makers in the company in order to be able to implement improvements, adjustments and optimizations with regard to the SAP software.

The SAP basis is often perceived as a brake within projects or when introducing new technologies. This is partly due to the late consultation of the SAP basis on the issues of technical feasibility as well as the integration of new technologies and applications into the existing system landscape. By implementing the recommendations, the SAP basis is repositioning itself in parts within the IT organisation. The SAP basis has a clearly defined self-understanding (inward-looking perception) as well as a clear positioning and a defined task area within the IT organisation (outward-facing perception), as shown in Figure 5. By integrating the SAP basis into the development of the IT strategy, the digitisation strategy and a clear communication with the CIO, the SAP basis has the opportunity to deal with technologies and topics at an early stage. As a result, the SAP basis is prepared for requests from business units or other IT departments and has the opportunity to approach them proactively. The SAP basis is supported by an IT service and IT product catalogue, which describes the scope of the SAP basis. For internal communication and communication with external service providers, as well as other suppliers, outsourcing partners or outsourcing partners and cloud service providers, there are up-to-date and meaningful documentation and process descriptions. For the control, measurement and monitoring of external partners, Service Level Agreements and meaningful key figures are also available.
Virtualization of your SAP system landscape
Maintaining the availability of critical business processes not only requires a high-quality infrastructure, but also places equally high demands on the management and operation of the underlying SAP NetWeaver and SAP HANA platforms due to their high complexity. These platforms are often referred to as SAP Basis.

SAP Basis consultants are experts in consulting. The job of an SAP Basis consultant has many areas of responsibility such as:

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" simplifies tasks in the area of the SAP basis and complements missing functions of the standard.

Among other things, it determines which application server a user logs on to in order to distribute the workload (load balancing).

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

Error messages of the programmes tp and R3trans The cause of error can always be found in the corresponding transport log.
SAP Corner
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