Migration to SAP HANA
Ten years ago, SAP HANA was little more than a promise that made SAP CEO Hasso Plattner's eyes light up. It's hard to imagine that all SAP customers will have completely replaced their Oracle and Microsoft databases in just ten years.
SAP administrators can basically be found wherever SAP systems are used. These are now numerous industries and departments of companies. SAP systems can be found in accounting, costing, activity-based costing and controlling. In all these areas, they take care of the smooth functioning and development, thus helping the company to make internal processes more efficient and consequently save costs and resources.
Planning of SAP environments
If regulations for the standardisation of SAP systems or tasks and procedures are in place, they must also be consistently complied with and their compliance must also be verified. In case of non-compliance, for example due to project influences or technological problems, the exception must be returned to the standard in a timely manner. Resources must be made available for this.
SAP Basis is responsible for the smooth operation of programs in the SAP system. It acts like an operating system for R/3 and subsequent releases including S/4HANA. Each operating system provides an environment in which programs can run, such as MS Office on Microsoft Windows.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
Examples of scenarios: 1) User and Authorisation Management 2) ESS/MSS for the management of personnel data 3) Audit and monitoring for the verification of compliance with legal regulations What should be taken into account, however, if you want to introduce an Identity Management System? In this contribution, I would like to highlight fundamental points that need to be clarified before the introduction.
The website www.sap-corner.de offers many useful information about SAP basis.
After the query is executed, the roles that contain the requested transaction and are associated with the user are now displayed.