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SAP Basis usually takes care of the administration of the SAP system. The most important SAP Basis transactions are listed in this article.
In more complex system environments, thousands, if not tens of thousands, of SAP jobs can run per day. Their interdependencies create a high level of complexity. If administrators or admin teams want to maintain an overview, they have to rely on meaningful monitoring. It must be clear at all times which jobs are running and which are not, in order to ensure proper SAP operation. Ideally, one is informed of critical errors by e-mail or SMS. The trend towards internationalization, outsourcing and mixed operation with on-premise and on-demand systems means that SAP landscapes are often widely distributed. This makes monitoring more difficult and, at the same time, clarity must be maintained. Integrating SAP job management and job requests into a central system, such as SAP Solution Manager, therefore makes sense and is useful for supplementing IT service processes in a meaningful way and accelerating process flows.
A role concept according to best practice protects you from potential attacks within your SAP landscape. However, to protect your system from unauthorized access via the network, a correct configuration of the SAP gateway is required. It enables the use of external programs via interfaces or the call of ABAP programs and serves as a technical component of the application server, which manages the communication of all RFC-based functions.
The consistent implementation of the role concept enables a manageable complexity of the tasks per employee. At the same time, through the respective SMEs, the concept creates expertise in specific topics and enables communication on an equal footing with upstream or downstream IT departments as well as with external service providers. The establishment of technology architects also ensures that the overall picture is not left out of sight in the context of the SAP product portfolio. Deficits can also be addressed on issues such as policies and security. Overall, the role concept provides guidance for the employees and their career planning as well as guidance regarding the range of tasks and contacts for IT departments and business areas.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP basis.
Especially in larger companies, which also have multiple locations in different countries, it is often necessary to grant different employees the same permissions for different levels of organisation, such as accounting circles.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page www.sap-corner.de you will find useful information on this topic.
In addition to the interfaces between system elements, Basis includes a development environment for R/3 applications, a data directory, and user and system administration and monitoring tools.