SAP Basis OAC0 Display content repositories - SAP Corner

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OAC0 Display content repositories
Site Reliability Engineering(SRE) is the equivalent of SAP Basis in the Google world. Ben Treynor, who has been with Google since 2003 and is considered the godfather of SRE, describes SRE as "what happens when you give operations tasks to a software engineer".

The SAP Basis & Technology department deals intensively with SAP technologies and their application. The possibilities and limits are examined and corresponding specifications and tools are developed in order to use the technologies profitably. The results and findings are made available to the other alogis areas and implemented in real-life customer projects.
Database management
The lifecycle of an SAP system begins with the installation of the database platform. This is installed by an SAP Basis administrator and can consist of one of the following databases: HANA, Sybase, DB2, Oracle, MSSQL and MaxDB.

In the SAP Business Objects environment, you can extend the control of permissions using the CMC tab configuration. The tab configuration allows you to easily show or hide specific tabs for users or groups. Enable CMC Tab Configuration By default, the CMC Tab Configuration feature is set to "Don't Limit" and is disabled. For you to be able to use the tab configuration at all, you will need to enable it for now. Note: If you enable the tab configuration, all users that are not under the default Administrators group will not see tabs for the time being. This is because access is denied by default through the CMC tab configuration. Therefore, once enabled, you must maintain tabs for all existing groups. Therefore, make sure you have an account associated with the Administrators Group! To do this, go to Applications, right-click Central Management Console, and select Configure Access to the CMC tab: The CMC can be found under Applications. Now enable the configuration by selecting the Restrict option. Use Restrictions to enable the option. Hide/show tabs If you are now logging in with a user that is not in the default Administrators group, you will not see applications/tabs on the CMC home page. Initially no applications/tabs are visible To display the desired tabs for the groups again, switch to users and groups with your administrator account, right-click on the desired group, and select CMC tab configuration. Enter the tab configuration. In the dialogue that appears, you see that all tabs are denied access by default.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.

INTRODUCTION A growing number of SAP-based departments are facing major changes and challenges within the SAP product portfolio as well as in their own task environment.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

If there are cancelled support packages, a dialogue box will alert you.
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