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Schedule user matching as a background job
In this case, the term stands for the basic administration of SAP systems. In this context, responsible employees perform a number of classic tasks.

Companies face a major challenge. The world is not going digital, but it is already. The age of digitisation and the related technological changes, as well as the demands of customers, bring new opportunities and new challenges for companies. In addition, the product strategy is changing, including that of SAP. In order to achieve the associated goals of the company and to implement them as effectively and efficiently as possible, the SAP basis must contribute to the design of an IT roadmap and to the design of the digitisation and also cloud strategy. A detailed review of the IT Roadmap recommendation is carried out within the master thesis in chapter 7.9.
The basic SAP Basis operation includes the operational readiness of the SAP system, management of system changeability, configuration and administration of system profiles, analysis of system failures, operation and monitoring of technical interfaces, scheduling and monitoring of SAP standard jobs, and much more. The optional services as an extension include activities whose implementation and frequency depends on the existing system environment and which can be optionally booked (client copies, implementation of client transports and homogeneous/heterogeneous system copies, etc.). These include performing release upgrades, installing enhancement packages, adapting new printer types, device drivers or character sets, and much more.

User name without restrictions - critical? Depending on the release of the SAP_BASIS component in your system, invisible special characters may end up in the user name. This is especially critical if only spaces or alternate spaces are used for the user name when creating a new user. In Unicode systems, "alternative" spaces, so-called "wide spaces", can be used in addition to the normal space character (hexadecimal value 20). For example, the key combination "ALT+0160" can be used to insert non-breaking spaces. If a user is now created whose user name consists exclusively of such alternative spaces, this can be confusing. This is because entries for this user ID do appear in change documents, but the impression is created that the entry was created by a non-existent / deleted user. This circumstance can lead to confusion. In addition, certain special characters in the user name can also lead to errors, for example in the Change and Transport System (CTS). This is because the user name is also used in the CTS-ORG to create a file with the same name in the transport directory. Furthermore, there are letters/characters that look identical in different alphabets, but have a different hexadecimal value in the character set. This means that confusion in user names cannot be completely ruled out. Seemingly identical user names then stand for different users.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.

SAP Basis is the core component of any SAP infrastructure.

SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:

As an interface to the user, the presentation layer contains software components (the SAP GUI) by means of which the user is presented with the application.
SAP Corner
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