SAP Basis SAP Basis service on the safe side - SAP Corner

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SAP Basis service on the safe side
SAP Basis ensures smooth operation of the SAP Basis system. The SAP Basis system is a kind of operating system of the R/3 system or SAP ERP. It includes the three layers database, application and presentation. In addition, Basis includes many SAP middleware programs and administration tools. With Basis SAP applications can be used compatible and independent of operating system and database and can be enriched with the necessary data.

Application layer: The application layer is the central component of the SAP ERP system and is therefore also referred to as the base system. All applications and calculations are executed here. The application layer communicates with both the database layer and the presentation layer. On the one hand, it requests data from the database layer, processes it and then passes it on to the presentation layer. On the other hand, data that is newly entered in the presentation layer is passed on to the database layer and stored there.
Cooperation with internal support
In order to drive innovation in the company, it is necessary to establish a team or a few experts whose recognised role is to promote research projects and PoCs, to continuously train themselves in this regard, to develop innovation proposals and to bring them into the committees. They are therefore largely excluded from operational operations. CONSTRUCTION OF A TEST LABORATORY In addition to resources, it is also necessary to create the framework conditions for the implementation of the research and pilot projects. To this end, it is recommended to set up a test laboratory with as few restrictions as possible on company standards. These are often so massive that a quick and effective implementation of pilot projects is severely hindered or completely prevented.

In order to meet the growing integration and coordination between internal IT departments and external service providers and suppliers, it is necessary to include a company-wide interface department in the IT organisation. The SAP basis can assume the coordination role and interface function in the environment of SAP products and technologies.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.

Once you have completed these steps, you can begin to install the note.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

Every operating system provides an environment in which programs can run, such as MS Office on Microsoft Windows.
SAP Corner
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