SAP Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI)
Instead of letting the power consumer determine each parameter individually, the SAP basis can now create meaningful bundles, such as the power server with a lot of processor power, memory and disk space, and the light server in a simpler setup. Each bundle has its own price, which requires preparation and consideration. The principle of consistently aligning IT services with repeatable standards is thus directly linked to the standardisation of processes and technical specifications. Standardised products can only be offered if process processes are standardised. Likewise, these can only be offered as simple and comprehensible product bundles if technical standards are established.
Understanding the structure and functionality of the system is especially important for IT administration. It's not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a career field in its own right. Instead of data and application development, the focus here is on providing the software environment on which the company's tools are created. SAP Basis is therefore comparable to the server and platform infrastructure and its administration in companies - as distinct from application and web development.
Implementation of your user and security management
A customized cloud for the most diverse requirements of medium-sized companies is an important backbone for business success. For this purpose, we accompany digitization projects of our customers from a wide range of industries on an equal footing.
In order to ensure the necessary expertise both in the direction of application and application-related IT departments as well as in the direction of infrastructure units, the SAP basis should be divided into an infrastructure-related SAP basis and an application-orientated SAP basis. The infrastructure-based SAP basis acts as a contact level and point of contact for IT departments such as virtualisation, storage management and databases. The application-orientated SAP basis serves as the contact and coordination level for application-related topics. BUILDING OVERARCHING EXPERT TEAMS WITH SAP basis INVOLVEMENT To reduce organisational friction points as well as to optimally handle selected topics, it is recommended to set up expert teams with the participation of the SAP basis. These teams of experts can be virtually organised and therefore of temporary duration and consist of participants from all relevant IT disciplines or business areas. If the topic of the virtual group of experts is the focus of the SAP basis, the SAP basis will take over the management and control of the expert team.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.
In the Process Management scenario, configure the embedded search using the description.
The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.
In the second step, the user is shown the roles of his employees.