SE37 Function Builder
Monthly Reporting / Reviews
Practical experience at home and abroad has given us a proven view of heterogeneous system landscapes. This flows into our consulting as a further plus point and creates not only smooth functionality but also cost efficiency of your individual system landscape.
This advanced training course on SAP administration will provide you with the skills you need to perform more in-depth administrative tasks on your SAP system. For example, SAP administration using WebAS with ABAP and Java, system configuration and system updates, applying patches and corrections, and updating users and authorizations. Furthermore, the program includes the setup of printers, knowledge of system security and system monitoring as well as transport functions. Not to forget the help system and data backup in your SAP systems.
HANA optimization makes your own programs really fast. ABAP firewall: 92% less effort, 98% lower costs. Set quality standards for internal and external developments. Accurate and resource-saving analysis and evaluation. Security and compliance risks: significantly reduced.
SAP HANA base administrators can master the database in a way that wasn't possible back then. The SAP database is much more self-healing. Errors do less damage, are easier to detect and fix, and are less likely to impact system performance and availability before they are fixed. Monitoring tools can automatically scan the application logs, identify potential errors, and even suggest fixes, making it much easier to get to the root of the problem.
The "Shortcut for SAP Systems" tool is ideal for doing many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.
However, sometimes two miners working on the longest chain find a new block at the same time.
If you want to get more information about SAP basis, visit the website
Basis includes a client/server architecture and configuration, a relational database management system (DBMS), and a graphical user interface (GUI).