SE41 Menu Painter
Daily checks and responsiveness
SAP HANA base administrators can master the database in a way that wasn't possible back then. The SAP database is much more self-healing. Errors do less damage, are easier to detect and fix, and are less likely to impact system performance and availability before they are fixed. Monitoring tools can automatically scan application logs, identify potential errors and even suggest fixes, making it much easier to get to the root of the problem.
This course is intended for people who plan, design, and install the SAP HANA database. It will also be of interest to those responsible for configuring the various components for importing data and customer reporting.
Planning and execution of transports
This is key to leveraging SAP's simplification plan. Since the release of SAP HANA, SAP has worked to simplify the system.
The SAP NetWeaver Integration Technology part of the course covers the basic areas of use and properties of the various integration technologies. Interrelationships between the integration technologies, Web Services, ALE, BAPI, Process Integration, Web Application Server are taught. Further contents are the basic communication technologies: IDoc, RFC, http and SOAP.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
You may be familiar with the situation where you want to install a Precalculation Server yourself.
On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.
But it is not just technology itself, but also how it is delivered that matters.