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What does TREX have to do with SAP Solution Manager?
Due to the variety of tasks and the high complexity, I find my job extremely exciting. There are very many constellations of SAP systems and databases. Each installation, migration and update brings new aspects and challenges. It is precisely these challenges that are important to me, so that I can continue to learn and develop professionally on a daily basis.
In addition to purely administrative tasks, SAP administrators are also responsible for communication. They cooperate with the company's internal support departments and work with them on ways to help users solve and avoid any problems and pitfalls when using SAP solutions. For internal purposes, the SAP administrator also prepares documentation and uses it to search for errors, the cause of which he or she tries to combat. If necessary, he or she communicates with decision-makers in the company in order to be able to implement improvements, adjustments and optimizations with regard to the SAP software.
Implementation of the configuration in the system
So-called Access Control Lists (ACL) offer a good possibility to secure your gateway in order to exclude unwanted external accesses to the database of the application server. With the help of the ACL files reginfo and secinfo an access control can be implemented, in which allowed as well as forbidden communication partners can be defined. The reginfo file controls the registration of external programs on the gateway, which means that rules can be defined that allow or prohibit programs. With the help of the file secinfo you can define which users are allowed to start an external program. To be able to use these files, you must set the parameters gw/reg_info and gw/sec_info (transaction RZ11). For more information, refer to SAP Note 1408081.
The basic SAP Basis operation includes the operational readiness of the SAP system, management of system changeability, configuration and administration of system profiles, analysis of system failures, operation and monitoring of technical interfaces, scheduling and monitoring of SAP standard jobs, and much more. The optional services as an extension include activities whose implementation and frequency depends on the existing system environment and which can be optionally booked (client copies, implementation of client transports and homogeneous/heterogeneous system copies, etc.). These include performing release upgrades, installing enhancement packages, adapting new printer types, device drivers or character sets, and much more.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.
So assume that you may need a Firefighter user for this action.
SAP Basis refers to the administration of SAP system that includes activities like installation and configuration, load balancing, and performance of SAP applications running on Java stack and SAP ABAP. This includes the maintenance of different services related to database, operating system, application and web servers in SAP system landscape and stopping and starting the system. Here you can find some useful information about SAP Basis:
Using various user, administration and monitoring tools, the SAP Basis system is controlled and managed by an administrator, who is thus responsible for its trouble-free operation.