Support in setting up connectors and interfaces
SMGW Gateway monitor for instance
SAP Basis consultants are experts in consulting. The job of an SAP Basis consultant has many areas of responsibility, such as designing applications, installing support for SAP modules, analyzing and optimizing processes, creating reports, and modeling and extracting data.
Our SAP Basis experts take care of the operation of your systems every day. They ensure that your SAP systems run smoothly and keep performance at its maximum.
The application or application layer
In this case, the term stands for the basic administration of SAP systems. In this context, responsible employees perform a number of classic tasks.
SAP HANA has been one of the major topics in the SAP environment for the last few years. Many customers are currently faced with the question of whether or not to migrate your SAP system. In addition to the actual changeover itself, there are many other topics on which you should have already informed yourself in advance, as these influence the success of SAP HANA in your company. What do you already know about SAP HANA? I would like to encourage you to think about security in the following article. If you would like to learn about the architecture of HANA, I recommend a contribution from our colleagues at erlebe Software. SAP HANA Scenario But why are we even talking about HANA Security? Why is it so important to consider new security strategies with the new technology? With HANA it is possible to analyse data quickly. BW scenarios primarily benefit from the in-memory database (IMDB) used, as speed advantages in data access are particularly positive. Compared to a classic ERP / R3 scenario, the normal DB is replaced by HANA. The desired speed advantages result. However, migration is expected to be required for the changeover. This is caused by customer-specific developments in the system. HANA is not a further development of SAP ERP, HANA is the next stage of an ERP system. It is well known that an ERP system contains the capital of the companies. Therefore a new HANA system like all other ERP systems is also interesting for attackers. On the one hand, such a system contains the critical business data that are available for espionage. In addition, most business processes are mapped in such a system and offer an attack surface for sabotage. In addition, users do not initially know the new technology well. This also applies to administrators in the area of a new technology. Attackers quickly gain a dangerous leap of knowledge over these user groups. SAP HANA has a lot of new features, although many existing ones are used by SAP ERP, so there is a risk here.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
Practical experience at home and abroad has given us a proven view of heterogeneous system landscapes.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.
The other block is called the Orphan Block, and it's sort of a dead branch of the blockchain.