SAP Basis SWU9 Trace of the BC-BMT-WFM component - SAP Corner

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SWU9 Trace of the BC-BMT-WFM component
SF01 Logical file paths and names (client dependent)
If your system is already above SAP NetWeaver Release 7.0, then you must either import SAP Note 1731549 or a corresponding Support Package. Afterwards, when creating new users, it is no longer possible to assign user names that are only composed of variants of spaces or other invisible special characters. Important: Changes to already existing users with these names or their deletion option are not affected by this! The SAP Note also adds the customizing switch BNAME_RESTRICT, whereupon you can control yourself whether alternative spaces are allowed to appear in certain places in the user name. For this, the following values must be set in the customizing table PRGN_CUST: NO = The alternative spaces are still allowed in the user name. ALL = The character set is reduced to a defined range, excluding certain special characters because they have specific meanings in certain operating systems or databases. This predefined character set is: ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789,;-§&()={[]}+#. FME = The letters F, M and E stand for Front, Middle and End. With an 'X' in this three-digit switch value you can now explicitly specify at which position in the user name no wide spaces and control characters may occur. All combinations are possible, e.g.: XME = None of these special characters may occur at the BEGINNING of the user name. XMX = In the user name none of these special characters may occur at the BEGINNING and at the END. FME = One of these special characters may occur at any position in the user name (this corresponds to the default setting, i.e. as if no entry was maintained in PRGN_CUST for the switch). SAP recommends the use of the value ALL.

In order to ensure the necessary expertise both in the direction of application and application-related IT departments as well as in the direction of infrastructure units, the SAP basis should be divided into an infrastructure-related SAP basis and an application-orientated SAP basis. The infrastructure-based SAP basis acts as a contact level and point of contact for IT departments such as virtualisation, storage management and databases. The application-orientated SAP basis serves as the contact and coordination level for application-related topics. BUILDING OVERARCHING EXPERT TEAMS WITH SAP basis INVOLVEMENT To reduce organisational friction points as well as to optimally handle selected topics, it is recommended to set up expert teams with the participation of the SAP basis. These teams of experts can be virtually organised and therefore of temporary duration and consist of participants from all relevant IT disciplines or business areas. If the topic of the virtual group of experts is the focus of the SAP basis, the SAP basis will take over the management and control of the expert team.
Solution concepts basic operation: from taking over operational responsibility, 24/7 to support when needed (substitution, vacation replacement)
The coverage of old core tasks (such as security or compliance) and new core tasks (such as cloud or mobility) must be increased in the sense of a holistic consideration. This means that certain tasks must be considered not only in the context of the SAP basis, but also in the overall context.

SAP Basis or system administrators work with SAP Basis in a company. They are responsible for the correct installation, configuration and maintenance of the SAP application servers and applications, and in some companies also for the operating system and the SAP database if no administrators are available. Using SAP's own programming language ABAP, developers and programmers design SAP applications that run on the ABAP stack of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server as the only publicly accessible ABAP runtime environment. In some cases, the boundaries between ABAP developers and SAP Basis administrators are permeable, and each of the two groups of specialists has a basic knowledge of the other. As a rule, however, the competencies remain separate.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.

It can also support the regular use of SAP services such as Go-live Checks or Early Watch.

If you want to get more information about SAP basis, visit the website

In addition to interfaces between system elements, Basis includes a development environment for R/3 applications, a data directory, and user and system administration and monitoring tools.
SAP Corner
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