System Guides
SOST SAPconnect - send requests
Whenever you find a red traffic light on the Roles tab in the user master in SU01 - or a yellow traffic light on the Users tab in PFCG, you can usually solve the problem with a simple user synchronization. The fact that such a user adjustment is necessary can have several reasons. Among others: after a role transport to / when assigning users to roles via PFCG after restricting the validity of roles to users when roles are assigned indirectly via organizational management. Users usually notice the problem of a user comparison that has not been carried out quite quickly: Authorizations are missing, although at first glance they are available in the assigned authorization roles. This is because a user is assigned the correct authorization role - but the profile associated with the role is not up to date.
The tasks described above, which occur at rather irregular intervals and involve a certain degree of complexity due to the lack of routine or process know-how, should be examined in order to determine whether they can be performed more efficiently by an external service provider. One question to be answered is whether it is necessary to keep the necessary knowledge in the company in order to be able to react faster than the external service provider. For example, for business critical systems. Security aspects should also be considered, as external persons gain access to the system. From now on, outtasking performance must be regularly monitored and checked for quality and documentation. A complete dependence on the external partner must not arise.
OAM1 ArchiveLink Monitor
SAP Basis Support ensures secure operation of the SAP system landscape. For proper operation of the SAP system, the database and operating systems must be checked on a daily basis.
SAP Basis refers to the IT underlying the SAP system. It includes various middleware programs and tools and is responsible for the smooth operation of the SAP system.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
The fundamental question that should arise immediately after the decision to do so is whether the company creates the content itself or whether it relies on the content from external sources.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:
A self-service application may be made with a justification and a period for allocating special rights.