SAP Basis Table of Contents - SAP Corner

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ST06 Operating System Monitor
The identification of critical SAP permissions for the use of an SAP system must therefore be carried out in any case. In addition to permissions, you can also identify critical profiles and roles that are already in the delivery state.

The tasks of a company's own SAP Basis department are undergoing enormous change at many companies, as SAP is also relying more and more on cloud services. Strategically, completely self-hosted SAP systems are becoming rarer and the proportion of customers using an SAP system from the cloud is increasing. The new roles of SAP Basis employees tend to be "enablers" and coordinators between the cloud provider and internal IT and the business departments. Until that time comes, companies can also rely on external service providers to offer expert know-how as well as operational support for the transition period.
SAP Basis is simpler
The presentation layer is the top layer of the R/3 SAP Basis system and includes the communication with the user. Here, the data is graphically prepared for the user on the end device by means of software components from the application programs of the application layer. The presentation layer is the interface to the user (SAP GUI).

Reduce resources: depending on the agreement of the contract, you can ask for the service resources only when needed. This will save you some costs.

The "Shortcut for SAP Systems" tool is ideal for doing many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.

After the query is executed, the roles that contain the requested transaction and are associated with the user are now displayed.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

The logging of data changes in tables using transports should also be active.
SAP Corner
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