The database layer
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SAP Basis consists of three layers: a database layer, an application layer and a presentation layer. The database layer manages all the data of the SAP system in a database located on the database server and administered by a database management system (DBMS). The database supplies the connected SAP applications with the required data, data tables or system control tables. It also receives and stores new information generated by the user.
If regulations for the standardisation of SAP systems or tasks and procedures are in place, they must also be consistently complied with and their compliance must also be verified. In case of non-compliance, for example due to project influences or technological problems, the exception must be returned to the standard in a timely manner. Resources must be made available for this.
IDOC IDoc and EDI Basis: Repair and Check Programs
SAP Basis Operation manages the IT underlying the SAP system. In addition, the operation ensures the maintenance and availability of business processes. Various tools can be used for this purpose, which take over the maintenance, care, configuration and monitoring of the SAP system. Basic operation is the prerequisite for ensuring that the SAP system is fully operational and covers the business processes well.
In practice, it is quite possible that the target specifications defined in the security concept do not match the current actual status. Therefore, especially with regard to SAP security, it must always be checked whether the necessary SAP basic settings also correspond to the minimum level. Although a manual check is possible, it is very time-consuming because the necessary regularizations have to be read, interpreted and technically implemented. The Security Architect - part of the Xiting Authorizations Management Suite (XAMS) software solution developed by Xiting - offers you the possibility to precisely examine the current status of the SAP Basis settings with the help of the integrated check mode, whereby it is also possible to check several systems via RFC, starting from a central system. The scope of the check of system settings and system security includes not only the SAP Basis settings presented here, but also other SAP Basis settings. The scope of the check mode can be extended by self-defined check IDs.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.
Since SAP software receives updates from SAP at regular intervals - in the case of R/3 in the form of SPS (Support Package Stacks) and in the case of S/4HANA in the form of FPS (Feature Pack Stacks) - a large part of an SAP Basis administrator's job is to import these packages into the SAP system.
If you want to get more information about SAP basis, visit the website
Furthermore, you will monitor the SAP system landscape as well as its interfaces to external systems and carry out measures within the scope of software lifecycle management (e.g. note maintenance, support stacks, release upgrades) and change management (e.g. hardware migration, transport system and documentation).