SAP Basis WE19 Test tool for IDoc processing - SAP Corner

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WE19 Test tool for IDoc processing
A secure SAP system does not only include a good role concept. It is also necessary to check whether a user should (still) have a specific role. Regular verification of role assignment is called recertification. In this blog post, I'd like to introduce you to the need for recertifications and our own tool, EasyReCert. The need for recertification - scenarios: Example 1: The "apprentice problem" Imagine the following scenario: A new employee (e.g. apprenticeship or trainee) will go through various departments as part of his or her training and will work on various projects. Of course, an SAP User will be made available to your employee right at the beginning, which is equipped with appropriate roles. As each project and department passes, the employee repeatedly needs new permissions to meet the requirements. After the employee has successfully completed his or her induction and is now in a permanent position, he or she still has permissions that are not necessary to perform his or her duties. This violates the principle of "last privilede" and represents a potential security risk for your company. Example 2: The change of department The change of department is one scenario that probably occurs in every company. If a change of department does not automatically involve a complete reallocation of roles and the employee simply takes his old permissions with him, critical combinations of permissions can occur very quickly. For example, an employee who has permissions in accounts payable and accounts receivable violates the SoD ("Segregation of Duties") principle and poses a potential security risk to your company. Recertification as part of a revision: The two examples above show that a regular review of role allocation identifies potential security risks for your business and can be addressed.

Critical business processes require a secure, efficient and stable operation of an SAP system landscape. High demands on the management as well as the operation of the underlying SAP NetWeaver platform require competent support in all tasks of planning, support and updating of the SAP Basis. The increase in installed components as well as systems integrated via interfaces expands these needs. Only with professional care and maintenance of its components can SAP NetWeaver bring its advantages as an integrative platform to bear.
SWDD Workflow Builder
But when it comes to the intricacies of large SAP environments, Ansible quickly reaches its limits. If you want to use Ansible to implement simple automations - for example, starting and stopping SAP environments - you have to put up with a lot of manual effort and complicated scripts.

The second component of the application layer is the message server. It acts as a kind of "mediator" between the services and the applications.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.

Inheritance Hierarchy with Master Roles and Associated Roles If you have created multiple derived roles, a simple overview of all "related" roles can be convenient.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

Meanwhile, web applications demand computer capacity around the clock.
SAP Corner
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