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As mentioned above, there are clear overlaps in SAP Support and SAP Application Management Services, and even after this post you may have unresolved questions. So please do not hesitate to contact us and we will advise you on what services you need for your circumstances and what support is the right one. As a complete SAP service provider, we offer you everything you need as a SAP customer in our SAP Carecenter. Contact us without obligation and we will inform you about our comprehensive services.
Our advice is in German, French or English. Important for you: We create the optimum utilisation of the given SAP standard and limit - where useful and feasible - the effort for special developments. The goal is always to develop a solution that meets your needs in France in a partnership process with maximum efficiency and to implement it in a timely manner.
Establish action plans to address risks and problems of performance, technical integrity and stability
In short, the great advantage for our customers lies in answering the question directly and very quickly - with all the queries that are necessary and thereby avoiding the often necessary "ticket ping-pong" - directly in the dialogue with the SAP experts. Feedback from our customers using our live support channels is very positive. The fact that we also receive recognition and awards from the external side certainly helps the announcement.
If SAP IT and business processes are critical to your business success, then you are at the right place. With a lot of experience, innovative concepts and a pronounced service idea we stand by you in the implementation of your ideas. Our service makes the difference - this motto defines our ambition. We serve customers' wishes with all our efforts. Customer service, customer care and experience are more than just keywords - they are the focus of all our company's activities. We will do everything to make you happy.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many SAP support tasks much easier.
Your business can benefit from our experience.
Select the services that fit exactly with your current projects.