customer area
SAP for Me
We relieve your IT and key users and ensure a stable and sustainable operational capability of your SAP system, always in view of your company-specific requirements and the potential of your SAP solutions to be exploited. With us, you are in good hands: Trust, competence and a high quality of support are among our maxims.
With "Next-Generation Support", SAP promises its customers self-service components, digital interaction with support in real time, a particularly good digital customer experience, for example through build-in support with the help of SAP CoPilot, and the use of innovations such as AI and Machine Learning. Objective: Enquiries should be answered in real-time, as far as possible, as a prerequisite for real-time business models. At the DSAG Annual Congress 2018, I wanted to know from Andreas Heckmann, Head of SAP Support, what support services SAP customers will need in the future, how SAP will support end-to-end digital processes in hybrid systems, where the differences between ECC and SAP S/4HANA support requests lie, and what impact innovations (machine learning, AI, predictive analytics, ...) have on SAP support.
SAP defined project team
As the leading IT house and number one in the German-speaking SAP market, we stand for comprehensive digitalisation in the middle class. It goes without saying that we offer our customers highly professional support services and SAP support in accordance with ITIL standard.
We offer support in various areas, whether it is the maintenance of your ERP systems (e.g. SAP ECC, S/4HANA, C/4HANA), the operation or hosting or through the CPI monitoring. We also have experienced consultants in application support who have been working with SAP ECC and its previous versions for decades.
A useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available for SAP Support employees.
In addition, awards are a good way for customers to get a neutral rating.
The team also offers a complete all-round service: from consulting and implementation of customising, to individual customisation of your systems, to the subsequent technical support for FIS and SAP customers.