Save time with personalised support
Development of a detailed technical infrastructure and data migration design concept
Then there is much to do before January 2020! The magic word is SAP Support Backbone - the reliable link to SAP. Whether the hot wire to the SAP Support Portal (e.g. hints), the EarlyWatch Alert Reports or the Maintenance Planner everything is located in the Support Backbone Infrastructure. This has been updated by SAP and changes must be made to their system!
To sum up, we can say that both support services naturally overlap from time to time. Often, SAP Support team members are looking for an application management services solution to resolve an acute problem so that a similar problem can no longer occur in the future.
SAP Help Portal
We provide you with competent and experienced SAP consultants for all situations in the life cycle of an SAP system. From planning, through implementation, to operations - on-site or remote - our service can be found where you need it.
We offer support models tailored to your needs with flexible switching options. Our support can be obtained on a daily or hourly quota basis according to your needs.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" simplifies SAP support tasks and adds to the standard's missing functions.
To answer questions from SAP users not only orally but also in the form of screen recordings, key users and support staff can quickly "film" and publish the processes in question.
Technical support includes: Technical Incident Handling - urgent support if SAP's stability or performance is impaired / Technical services on-demand / System check-up on demand.