scope of solution
Tailored to your needs
What are we doing here to achieve automation? How do we make these worlds work smoothly together? Simple: In principle, each of the participants stays in his world, which does not have to leave it, because by integrating SAP support into the IT support or the ITSM tool (SAP-ITSM integration), we manage to ensure that the SAP user does not have to go into another system to report a problem, but can ask for help and give his comments on it at the push of a button. On the other hand, support will receive the correct information to respond appropriately to the problem or failure. He sees the user information, runtime information, screenshots, everything that is technically necessary to classify this ticket correctly and of course to solve it quickly. A classic win-win situation has thus arisen.
You can decide for yourself what kind of company you want from us. Choose the Success Extensions you need to create the experience you want and succeed in the cloud.
Technical Quality Manager
With SAP Solution Manager, an application lifecycle management tool, your users can submit service requests, errors, notices, or problems directly to us. Our support staff then remotely handle message handling and problem resolution.
Our schedule of expert services is still in the beginning. We expect customers to make greater use of this service. A special advantage for all our customers is that they do not incur additional costs for Next-Generation Support Services - they are automatically part of the support contract.
The "Shortcut for SAP Systems" tool is an excellent tool for handling many tasks in SAP Support more easily and quickly.
Whether the hot wire to the SAP Support Portal (e.g. hints), the EarlyWatch Alert Reports or the Maintenance Planner everything is located in the Support Backbone Infrastructure.
But it is particularly time-consuming and burdensome to put together suitable learning aids at the same time, especially during the introduction of a complex ERP application system such as SAP's.