SAP Support Support Services - SAP Corner

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Support Services
Together for success
Our experts ensure a timely release with short reaction and solution times. We rely exclusively on permanent employees in Germany for our support and do not use offshore resources for our call-in.

In the working group "CCC/Service & Support", SAP customers, among others, have joined forces to establish a Customer Competence Centre (CCC) or a Customer COE (Centre of Expertise) in the more recent term, on the basis of contractual obligations. The CCC or CCOE is an organisational unit within the company that is responsible for supporting efficient implementations, expansion, and maintenance and quality of business processes and systems related to SAP software. A focus area "Service & Support" is included as part of the classic CCC topics with the working group. In order to provide a discussion platform for SAP Service and Support to customers who do not want/need to implement a CCC, the former AK "CCC" was explicitly expanded to include the term "Service and Support" in the naming.
Predictable results
Our advice is in German, French or English. Important for you: We create the optimum utilisation of the given SAP standard and limit - where useful and feasible - the effort for special developments. The goal is always to develop a solution that meets your needs in France in a partnership process with maximum efficiency and to implement it in a timely manner.

Today, many companies still know that SAP users primarily only know the SAP interface they work with on a daily basis. If there is a problem that SAP users cannot solve themselves, they must report it and hope for quick help.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even enables many SAP support activities.

We can help you as an extended branch of your internal IT department.

For 18 different reports in the SAP module for project control, Word documents in a volume of about 100 pages are generated automatically by the ondemand tool.
SAP Corner
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