Validation of technical design of on-premise, cloud and hybrid environments
Functional design and architecture analysis and functional gap assessment
At the beginning of January 2020, the new support backbone became mandatory. Anyone who is unsure whether the SAP support connection is running properly does not have to rely on their own solution manager alone. The new support launchpad extension, "Status of Support Connectivity," provides an overview.
The opportunities offered to us and our customers by these new technologies are still in their infancy. We expect a lot to happen in this area in the next few years. We're already showing where the journey is with our Built-in Support today. Support is integrated into the product via SAP CoPilot. Artificial intelligence ensures that the customer can talk to the system - keyword Conversational AI. In the background, the Digital Support Assistant uses the system context and other data to provide quick answers to technical customer questions. In the future, some questions will not even be asked, because the customer in the application already gets the necessary support and hints through his digital assistant to avoid possible problems. For SAP S4/HANA Cloud applications, we have been offering build-in support since this year's SAPPHIRE and are now expanding the range of services. We have already identified a number of scenarios where artificial intelligence can add significant value. Incident Solution Matching, a machine learning-based search for solutions, is already in operation within SAP and will soon be available to customers.
The concept of SAP MaxAttention
SAP Support is available in the SAP Portal. Search for SAP hints here. You have access to SAP Knowledge Base articles, the content of the SAP community and much more.
Running SAP as your main business tool can be a huge challenge for your internal IT department, especially if you are an SME. In order to meet the ever-changing requirements of your company, you need employees with a wide range of expertise in various modules of SAP software. Recruiting and sustaining such talent can be difficult and costly, especially given the industry's lack of SAP skills. There is a solution: SAP Application Outsourcing from Axxis Consulting. We can help you as an extended branch of your internal IT department. Our service package covers all aspects of SAP support and can be tailored to your specific needs. By working with Axxis, you can increase productivity and quality, focus on your core business, and deliver reliable support services to your end users at potentially significantly reduced cost.
Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in SAP Support more easily and quickly.
We diagnose and resolve incidents, explain the causes of the problem.
The platform allows you to view the notifications and work done on your system.