What we do for you
Next Generation Support for the Intelligent Enterprise
Your SAP® systems are mission-critical, must be readily available and function smoothly. However, no software solution is technically always trouble-free.
In order to support your existing teams, our central European technical service team is responsible for remote monitoring and technical interventions and 24/7 operation. This service has already been honoured several times for its customer satisfaction, and our 25-strong team is always on standby to be there for you when needed. Technical support includes: Technical Incident Handling - urgent support if SAP's stability or performance is impaired / Technical services on-demand / System check-up on demand.
Customise your experience to your needs: More innovation thanks to experts with practical experience, overcoming strategic challenges for the company transformation, intensive support tailored to your individual requirements
Then there is much to do before January 2020! The magic word is SAP Support Backbone - the reliable link to SAP. Whether the hot wire to the SAP Support Portal (e.g. hints), the EarlyWatch Alert Reports or the Maintenance Planner everything is located in the Support Backbone Infrastructure. This has been updated by SAP and changes must be made to their system!
From the Deploy phase onwards, we integrate our AMS Service Agents into the project work and documentation to optimise the transfer of know-how. Our AMS Agents will get to know your employees and the IT landscape and can support you in the GoLive phase. This approach enables a seamless transition from the Hypercarephase to Application Management Services.
Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in SAP Support more easily and quickly.
The Do It variant shows the ERP user in a small window, where the next step in the SAP application has to be taken.
Partner Success: Work with SAP-supported partners to ensure a consistent and optimised experience.