Differentiation between homogeneous and heterogeneous SAP system copy
Automation of homogeneous SAP system copies
In order to be able to work with the most up-to-date data possible on the development and quality assurance systems, it is necessary to bring an up-to-date production status onto these systems. This is often done via a complete system copy (production system -> development system, production system -> quality assurance system) and is very error-prone and user-intensive in ad-hoc configuration (especially if each developer/customizing user is responsible for saving the transports and importing them again after the copy). Every SAP system copy then carries the risk of losing the development status achieved and can lead to inconsistencies in programs and customizing, and any damage repair is usually very time-consuming.
SAP environments can quickly become time-consuming. For example, when it comes to creating system copies of a production environment on the test and quality assurance (QA) system. Because of the time required, some QA systems turn out to be outdated and thus even ticking time bombs. A software tool from Libelle now makes it easier to update QA systems in SAP architectures on System i as well.
The system copy
For a heterogeneous system copy and for homogeneous system copies for which there is no special way for the database used, the source system must be exported. This is done with SAP tools (SUM). The export files are copied to the prepared target system and imported again during the SAP installation with SUM. A relatively comfortable way. But it can be even more comfortable.
The professional handling of test data is also important with regard to applicable data protection and compliance guidelines. Global companies in particular are required to take measures to protect sensitive data. They need to ensure compliance and reduce risks from data breaches, even in non-productive environments. Innovative test data management can protect data from internal and external misuse through encryption, among other things. Sensitive personal data is secured in accordance with current data protection requirements, while at the same time high test quality is achieved through realistic data.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" you get additional functions for the SAP system copy.
For some time now, SAP customers have been supported in system copying by very powerful automation tools that can be used as needed.
SAP Basis refers to the administration of SAP system that includes activities like installation and configuration, load balancing, and performance of SAP applications running on Java stack and SAP ABAP. This includes the maintenance of different services related to database, operating system, application and web servers in SAP system landscape and stopping and starting the system. Here you can find some useful information about SAP Basis: www.sap-corner.de.
In addition, SAP suggests that you validate change transports through a QA system that is approximately identical to the production system and has up-to-date transaction data.