Multicloud: the systems involved with different hyperscalers
Job logic instead of customizing
For a heterogeneous system copy and for homogeneous system copies for which there is no special way for the database used, the source system must be exported. This is done with SAP tools (SUM). The export files are copied to the prepared target system and imported again during the SAP installation with SUM. A relatively comfortable way. But it can be even more comfortable.
Depends on the extent of splitting and the degree of parallelization. When importing, the limiting factor is often the index structure.
DB-specific methods: - for DB-homogeneous system copies - no Unicode conversion possible!
SAP recommends that you always update enterprise software in your production system using the SAP transport system and never make changes directly in the production system. In addition, SAP suggests that you validate change transports through a QA system that is approximately identical to the production system and has up-to-date transaction data. Outdated data can affect the validity of change transport tests, which can lead to errors and failures in the production system. However, end-user transaction data is received only from the production system. Such data must therefore be passed regularly throughout the SAP transport chain to ensure that your non-production systems have up-to-date and valid transaction data. This can usually be accomplished by passing a system copy of the production system, created for updates, to the QA system. To reduce the number of test cycles, it is also advisable to update your development system occasionally.
The database import can be performed using various tools. Sapinstaller provides a working way to import the database cleanly.
If you have used "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to save system-specific tables before the system refresh, several manual steps can be omitted - the data can be restored by restoring the data saved before the system copy.
While homogeneous SAP system copy expects identical combinations of operating/database systems on the source and target systems, there is also a requirement for different combinations of operating/database systems on the source and target systems in the project environment (eg, during migrations).
If you want to get more information about SAP basis, visit the website
However, the system does not have the same identity in the SAP landscape as it had before the update.