Technical system copy for the upgrade
The target system
Typically, the "homogeneous SAP system copy" process involves a large number of manual activities. A certain skill level is required for this, which leads to the fact that usually the employees of the SAP Basis department or external service providers realize the system copy. Depending on the structure and size of the systems, this process can take anywhere from hours to several days. In addition to making the target systems unavailable to operations and project teams, system and landscape copies also block SAP Basis administrators. Other challenges include the varying duration and quality (completeness) of the results depending on the processor, time dependency on the employees performing the work, etc..
The demands on your business are constantly changing. For this reason, there is also a need to adapt processes and functionalities. This cannot be done directly in the production system, but must first be extensively tested, which in turn requires data that is as realistic as possible. The SAP system copies required for this are quite time-consuming and complex, but also offer very great automation potential. We support you in the execution of SAP system copies and, within the framework of our partnership with Libelle, we can also set up automation mechanisms for you if you have the need for regular system copies. We are also happy to support you with any data anonymization that may become necessary after such a copy.
Key solution steps
Typically, the "homogeneous SAP system copy" process involves a large number of manual activities. A certain skill level is required for this, which leads to the fact that usually the employees of the SAP Basis department or external service providers realize the system copy. Depending on the structure and size of the systems, this process can take anywhere from hours to several days. In addition to making the target systems unavailable to operations and project teams, system and landscape copies also block SAP Basis administrators. Other challenges include the varying duration and quality (completeness) of the results depending on the processor, time dependency on the employees performing the work, etc.
With the definition of package groups, the parallel processing of packages can be configured beyond the definition of the order: All defined groups run in parallel to each other. For each group the parameters jobNum, taskArgs and loadArgs can be defined separately.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that simplifies the SAP system copy and offers additional possibilities.
Database: For some databases (MS SQL Server) there is the possibility to copy the database files and reattach them on the target system.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:
With this data, companies are able to decisively accelerate and qualitatively improve their development and change processes and make testing and training scenarios affordable.