SAP system copy The Refresh - SAP Corner

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The Refresh
As a rule, the SAP basis has to fulfill: to provide SAP system copies as quickly as possible for the increased usage purposes. The performance of modern tools has developed rapidly. An assessment of the current situation.

Until now, there has been no functional tool for System i to automate and optimize this task. The enormous resource requirements that arise during a refresh of the SAP QA system really cry out for an optimizing software tool. System Copy from Libelle (LSC) reduces the effort required for these work steps. Although a one-time effort is still required, the system landscape is examined so well that the system copy and any subsequent ones are performed literally at the push of a button. The work that is automated by LSC is in the preparation and post-processing of the files as well as the actual system copy.
Possibility of manual intervention in case of delta import
An SAP system copy usually includes both the copy of the database and the copy of the file systems that contain the SAP system. There are several ways to create a system copy of an SAP system, depending on the type of database and operating system used.

The tools we use can be easily operated either in the cloud or on premise. For this, the SAP systems to be copied must allow access at operating system level. The typical cloud infrastructures, such as AWS or Azure, are not a hurdle for this service.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" supplement missing functions in the area of SAP system copy.

A software tool from Libelle now makes it easier to update QA systems in SAP architectures on System i as well.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on

Security-conscious companies usually keep their mission-critical IT infrastructures redundant anyway.
SAP Corner
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