The target system
Solution Description
The process of creating system copies for updates can be broken down into different activities, as shown in Table 1. For each group, the software used for automation is shown, where "UC4" stands for UC4 Automated System Copy and "HP" stands for HP System Copy. All these activity groups are described individually below.
Against the background of constantly changing business processes, the SAP production systems that serve as the basis for these processes must also be continuously adapted and further developed. To ensure that these processes run smoothly at all times, adaptations and further developments must be comprehensively tested in a non-production SAP system using current production data. Only then can changes be incorporated into the production system. However, updating the databases of non-production SAP systems for testing, quality assurance and development with new production data is usually a time-consuming and error-prone process that involves lengthy interruptions to the SAP software lifecycle. By automating and accelerating SAP data, the workload of IT administrators can be significantly reduced and interruptions to the SAP software lifecycle can be kept to a minimum. This white paper presents a solution that helps shorten SAP refresh cycles based on UC4 process automation integration with HP infrastructure software. This solution can reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) and the length of the SAP software lifecycle. As a result, business processes can be made more agile, risks can be reduced, and the workload of IT administrators can be reduced. Target audience: SAP technical consultants and IT decision makers who are familiar with commonly used procedures for homogeneous SAP system copies.
Ways of SAP system copy: export / import
If the data stocks become obsolete, they can be updated by another system copy. From a technical point of view, such a refresh corresponds to the initial setup, including the associated costs as well as the load on the productive systems and manual rework. In addition, a refresh also interrupts all processes on the target system. If it is a development system, all newer development objects must be saved and transported back in after the copy. The version history is lost in the process.
The term "system copy" describes the process of creating a copy of an SAP system on a new server. There are two types to be distinguished: homogeneous and heterogeneous system copy and one can get to the system copy in different ways.
SAP system copy can be done easier and faster with "Shortcut for SAP Systems".
This is done with SAP tools (SUM).
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:
Third-party tools sometimes have a different focus than TDMS.