SAP system copy Tools for SAP test systems - SAP Corner

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Tools for SAP test systems
Consideration of additional QA clients
Test data is important for companies to eliminate risks in ongoing operations and to optimize systems or processes. But collecting this data can be challenging in times of Big Data and increased data protection, as well as due to complex IT structures.

Basically, a distinction is made between the initial setup and refresh of a non-productive SAP system. In the past, the cost of a refresh, i.e., updating the environment with new data, often corresponded to the cost of the initial setup. This also restricted the availability of the productive system, which is hardly tolerable for companies that operate internationally and in different time zones.
Test and training system: data anomyization, migration of master data, migration of user data / passwords
SAP production system copies are created for a variety of reasons, including: - Generating a new non-production system for short- or long-term use - Updating an existing non-production system An SAP system copy is called homogeneous if the source and target operating and database systems are identical. If this is not the case, the system copy is considered heterogeneous. Heterogeneous system copies or platform migrations are not supported by the HP StorageWorks System Copy software for SAP and are therefore not discussed further in this document. In addition, this document deals exclusively with system copies for non-production target systems. Overview of a homogeneous system copy Figure 1 shows copies of an SAP production system that are created for non-production systems. Some copies are short-term (ad hoc) in nature, while others are intended for long-term use. Note that when a long-term system is created from a system copy, a system copy may be needed for updates later in the system's life cycle. This adds the latest transactional data from the original production system. Given their particular importance, this document focuses on scenarios with system copies created for updates. Figure 1: Overview of scenarios with homogeneous SAP system copies Scenario with system copies for updates In order to meet constantly changing business requirements, a production system must be continuously developed and adapted after the initial installation. To do this, you need development, consolidation, and quality assurance (QA) systems that can provide the production system with the appropriate updates as SAP transports.

Homogeneous system copy: In this type of copy, the operating system and database on the target system are the same as on the source system. So Windows remains Windows and Linux remains Linux. And if the SAPHana database is running on the source system, it will also be used on the target system.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" can considerably simplify and shorten a number of activities within the scope of a system copy or a system refresh. By using this application in conjunction with the information on system-specific tables from the PCA tool, the system-specific data can be backed up and restored after the system copy / system refresh. As a result, many of the activities mentioned here regarding data backup / restore can be performed much more easily; the creation of screenshots and the subsequent manual restoration of the state documented in this way can then be completely eliminated.

The affected client is not available during the copy process.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

That's why you should avoid upgrade downtime in both the production source system and the non-production target system.
SAP Corner
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