SAP system copy Tools for SAP test systems - SAP Corner

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Tools for SAP test systems
Copy only specific data
Innovative test data management provides realistic, relevant and secure test data. With this data, companies are able to decisively accelerate and qualitatively improve their development and change processes and make testing and training scenarios affordable. For example, it is possible to automate quality assurance processes and successfully introduce new business functions without a costly and time-consuming SAP system copy. Software development can also be accelerated. The test data software always ensures that tests are carried out particularly thoroughly.

An alternative to this is a refresh using a client copy. The test environment will then be missing audit documents, among other things, but the development objects will remain untouched. The client copy only works from a running SAP system, but it burdens the system with database queries and transfers data more slowly than a system copy. The affected client is not available during the copy process. Since there are no options within the client to select what all should be copied, the runtime is often unacceptable.
Verification of source system status and infrastructure - analysis of software versions, database disk layout, system status, etc.
In order to have up-to-date data and exactly the same software versions on an SAP test system for meaningful tests as are active on the production system, the production systems are regularly copied completely to the test system. However, many settings in the test system must be retained, because a test system should not act like a production system and, for example, send documents to customers and suppliers or trigger something in production.

Post system copy rework - The collected information from the system copy prework is evaluated and the corresponding transport requests are reimported. The development status before the system copy is thus restored. In addition, this package includes a tool that, when individual transports are released, checks whether there are any overlaps on the target system with transports that are still open there. This prevents a transport from unintentionally "overtaking" an earlier released one with the same objects.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", tasks in the area of SAP system copy are simplified and made possible.

However, the burden of copying falls on the SAN.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on

Development and test work then takes place on a QA system that does not correspond to the production system.
SAP Corner
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