What is System Copy as a Service?
Copy only specific data
To meet ever-changing business requirements, a production system must be continuously developed and adapted after the initial installation. To do this, you need development, consolidation, and quality assurance (QA) systems that can provide the appropriate updates to the production system as SAP transports.
Strategy as of NetWeaver 2007: Prerequisite: in the case of a Unicode conversion, conversion must be performed during export. If the target database can be built with unsorted unloaded data, all packages are automatically unloaded unsorted. R3load ensures that tables that must always be unloaded sorted are unloaded sorted.
Key solution steps
Creating a consistent storage replica - splitting a clone or creating a snapshot on the disk array. Regardless of the storage size, this process takes only a few seconds.
SAP environments can quickly become time-consuming. For example, when it comes to creating system copies of a production environment on the test and quality assurance (QA) system. Because of the time required, some QA systems turn out to be outdated and thus even ticking time bombs. A software tool from Libelle now makes it easier to update QA systems in SAP architectures on System i as well.
Powerful and sophisticated automation tools for the creation of SAP system copies provide a remedy here and, in addition to time and cost savings, demonstrably also make it possible, for example, to increase the process quality in system copying or to maintain it at a consistently high level. In effect, they free up SAP Basis. With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", you can sustainably relieve your administrators of the time-consuming routine activities of an SAP system copy.
A major risk to the availability of the entire SAP environment arises when system copies are not transferred to the QA system for reasons of time and resources.
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on www.sap-corner.de.
For transport, the tool uses Idocs, which, however, can only be used to transfer small amounts of test data.