SAP Authorizations Assign SAP_NEW to Test - SAP Corner

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Assign SAP_NEW to Test
Use table editing authorization objects
The SAP standard offers various ways to record and play on a massive scale. These tools are generally available for all operations in the SAP system, not just for role maintenance. Therefore, they are also more complex to operate, in order to be able to cover as flexibly as possible all possible application scenarios. eCATT is also no exception, so many users are still afraid to use it. But we can tell you from experience: After the second or third time, the creation of the test scripts is so quick that you'll wonder why you haven't always done it this way.

The daily business of an authorization administrator includes the checks and analyses of critical authorizations and combinations in the system. The focus is on users and roles in the respective clients and system rails. The SAP standard report RSUSR008_009_NEW is suitable for this purpose. You must first create corresponding check variants and authorization values for critical authorizations or combinations either using the program itself or transaction SU_VCUSRVARCOM_CHAN. These then correspond to your internal and external security guidelines. You can then run the report with your respective check scope and the corresponding critical authorization or combination variant and check in which roles or users such violations exist. This serves to protect your entire IT system landscape and should be carried out periodically.
Rebuilding the authorization concept
The applications (transactions, Web-Dynpro applications, RFC building blocks, or Web services) are detected through their startup permissions checks (S_TCODE, S_START, S_RFC, S_SERVICE) and can be placed in the role menu of your role. In your role, go to the Menu tab and import these applications by clicking Apply Menus and selecting Import from Trace. A new window will open. Here you can evaluate the trace and view all recognised applications in the right window. To do this, click the Evaluate Trace button and select System Trace (ST01) > Local. In a new System Trace window, you can specify the evaluation criteria for the trace, such as the user using the Trace field only for users or the time period over which to record. Then click Evaluate.

You can translate text blocks in permission roles individually using the SE63 transaction. If you need to translate many roles, there are also automation options that we present here. There are several scenarios in which it becomes interesting to translate the texts of permission roles, for example, if your company is acting internationally. Also, you may have taken over a third party company and the SAP systems used there, or you may want to simplify the SAP system landscape by combining different divisions in one system. In all of these cases, you must standardise or translate the texts of the authorisation roles. For pure translation, you can use the transaction SE63, which we explain in the first section of this tip. In general, however, you will need to translate a large number of role texts in these scenarios; Therefore, in the second section we will explain how you can automate the translation using the LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench) transaction and will discuss how to set up a custom ABAP programme.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

This allows calls to new function blocks (such as custom developments, support package changes) to be analysed and, if necessary, released for external access.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

In addition, however, SAP Note 1307693, which contains new functionalities of licence measurement, must be installed on the subsidiary systems connected to the ZBV.
SAP Corner
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