SAP Authorizations Authorization Analysis - SAP Corner

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Authorization Analysis
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Furthermore, the statistical data of other users (user activities, such as executed reports and transactions) should be classified as sensitive, since it may be possible to draw conclusions about work behavior using this data. This data can be displayed using transaction ST03N, for example. Access authorizations to the two types of data mentioned above should be assigned only very restrictively.

The context-dependent authorizations combine the general and structural authorizations and avoid situations like in the example above. The context-dependent authorizations can be separated so finely that a separation of functions can be made possible without any gaps. Basically, with context-dependent authorizations, the authorization objects are supplemented by structural authorization profiles. This means that authorizations are no longer assigned generally, but only for the objects in the authorization profile. The use of context-dependent authorizations means that the familiar P_ORGIN authorization objects are replaced by P_ORGINCON and P_ORGXX by P_ORGXXCON. The new authorization objects then contain a parameter for the authorization profile.
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Logs: Protocols exist for all audits performed. This allows you to review the history of the audit results at a later stage or to view only the results of the last audit. To do this, use the protocol evaluation of the AIS in the transaction SAIS_LOG or click the button in the transaction SAIS.

In addition to existing authorization objects, you can also create your own authorization objects and select existing authorization fields such as Activity (ACTVT). To the individual fields then, as with ACTVT, the permissible options which are deposited at the field can be specified. Thus, for an own authorization object with the authorization field ACTVT, the activity 01 Add or Replace, 02 Change and 03 Display can be selected and would then be available as a selection in the authorization field in the role maintenance.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

Launch the QuickViewer for SAP Query with the SQVI transaction.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

The defined password rules apply to him.
SAP Corner
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