Authorization check
Communication User
This list in the AGR_1252 table contains both the organisational fields that are shipped in the standard and the fields that you have collected for organisational fields. Unfortunately, the list does not indicate what kind of organisation field it is. But you can find out: Open the PFCG_ORGFIELD_DELETE programme via transaction SA38. The Organisation Level Value Helper (Orgebene) provides a list of all customer-specific organisation fields, because only these can be converted back to normal Permissions Object Fields. Note the implications if you want to actually run this programme.
In particular, you can derive valuable information about customer transactions, since experience has shown that not all transactions are used. In this context, it is important to mention that you should only use the usage data logged and extracted from the SAP system for the optimisation of SAP role concepts. This information may only be used with the involvement of a co-determination body of your organisation, since this information can of course also be derived from individual users for performance control purposes. However, experience has shown that the use of these data with an early involvement of the institutions of codetermination and the definition of earmarks is uncritical.
Edit Old Stand
The same applies to the concept of data ownership. Here, a person takes responsibility for the data of a certain scope (e.g., SAP system X or system landscape Y) and looks after it as if it were his own precious possession. He or she conscientiously answers questions such as "May data be changed / viewed / deleted?", "How is action taken in the event of a data leak?", "Who may access the data and how, and what may be done with it?".
The most important security services regarding permissions are the EarlyWatch Alert (EWA) and the SAP Security Optimisation Service (SOS). You compare the settings in your SAP systems with the recommendations of SAP. Both services are delivered as partially automated remote services; You can also use the SOS as a fully automated self-service. The EWA and SOS shall carry out eligibility tests, the results of which shall always be as follows: The heading indicates the check in question. A short text describes the importance of the audited entitlement and the risk of unnecessary award. A list indicates the number of users with the validated permission in the different clients of the analysed SAP system. The SOS also allows you to list the users. In the SOS, a recommendation is made for each check to minimise the identified risk. A final formal description represents the checked permissions. However, not only the explicitly mentioned transactions are evaluated, but also equivalent parameter or variant transactions.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
If you no longer need old audit results, you can archive or delete them with the transaction SAIS via the button (Administration of the Audit Environment).
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
Basically, this is the authorization trace (transaction STUSOBTRACE), which filters for individual users.