Controlling file access permissions
User Interface Client Permissions
Transaction SE63 allows you to translate a variety of text in the SAP system. You can find the texts relevant to the permission roles by going to the Translation > ABAP Objects > Short Texts menu. In the Object Type Selection pop-up window that appears, select the S3 ABAP Texts node and select the ACGR Roles sub-point. You can now select the role in the following screen. You must note that the system expects the client to be prefixed, and the next step allows you to maintain the chunk in the target language. The variable AGR_TEXTS 00002 corresponds to the description of the role and the variable AGR_HIERT_TEXT 00001 corresponds to the description of the transactions contained therein. After you have saved the entry, the description of the role is also maintained in the target language, in our example in the English language and visible after the login. Select the source language correctly in the field.
Customising the organisational criteria is cross-client. Activation of the organisational criteria depends on the client. If you want to use these permissions in different clients, you must activate the respective organisational criteria for the respective client. Now you can use the organisational criterion in your PFCG role. To do this, enter the S_TABU_LIN authorization object with the organisational criterion you created. Assign the respective attributes with the organisational values for which the user should be entitled. Along with the individual values, you can specify intervals for your organisational criterion so that you can assign permissions to users for multiple organisational values.
List of required organisational levels and their value
The indirect role assignment uses the evaluation paths PROFLO and PROFLINT for assigning the PFCG roles to the corresponding users. However, these evaluation methods ignore the object CP (central person), which represents the business partner in SAP CRM. In transaction PFUD, which provides for the user comparison, the evaluation paths US_ACTGR and SAP_TAGT are used. Again the object CP is not known.
An SAP authorization concept is used to map relevant legal standards and internal company regulations to the technical protection options within an SAP system. Authorization concepts are thus the key to optimal protection of your system - both externally and internally.
Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.
Audit structures may be subject to different audits; Therefore, you must always select an audit first.
The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.
Further changes can be found when using the proof of use.