Copy values from the Clipboard to the transaction's PFCG permission fields
Check Profit Centre Permissions in FI
There are several ways to view the implementation of permission checks: Either you jump directly from the system trace for permissions to the appropriate locations in the programme code, or you go over the definition of the authorization objects. To view the permission checks from the permissions system trace, start the trace from the STAUTHTRACE transaction and run the applications you want to view. Now open the evaluation of the Trace. In the Programme Name column, you can see the programme that includes the Permissions Check. Double-click to go directly to the code site where the permission check is implemented.
Once the programme implementation and documentation have been completed, a functional test will always follow. A corresponding eligibility test should not be forgotten. The permission test must include both a positive and a negative permission test.
Grant permissions for SAP background processing
You have an organizational structure that includes 4 hierarchical levels - authority, department, unit, functional area). The authorization concept in your organization states that access (processing) to Records Management objects should be allowed for an employee only within his/her own organizational unit. However, the authorization check should only take place on three levels. So if a unit is subdivided into further functional areas, all employees of the unit and the functional areas should have the same authorizations. Since department 2 and department 3 work very closely together, employees of department 2 should be able to read all files, transactions and documents of department 3 and vice versa.
SAPCPIC: SAPCPIC is not a dialogue user, but is used for EDI usage in older releases (EDI = Electronic Data Interchange); in default, SAPCPIC has permissions for RFC access. However, you should not use this user for them, nor for batch processes, but you must create other users for these applications. Safeguard measures: Lock down the user, change the password, assign it to the SUPER user group and log it with the Security Audit Log.
If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.
If you use change request management in SAP Solution Manager, you can use the system recommendations in an integrated way.
The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.
As a result, there are often false expressions that, in the worst case, allow uncontrolled reporting access to all data in the logical database PNPCE (or PNP).