Define a user group as mandatory field in the user root
Use AGS Security Services
Determine if all recurring external services corresponding to area start pages and logical links have been removed from the GENERIC_OP_LINKS folder. Create a separate PFCG role for this folder. This PFCG role could contain all the basic permissions a user must have in SAP CRM. This includes the permission for the generic OP links. You can transfer this folder to a separate PFCG role by locally specifying the PFCG role that contains the GENERIC_OP_LINKS folder in the new PFCG role under Menu > Other Role >. Now maintain the PFCG role so that only the UIU_COMP authorization object remains active. Disable any other visible authorization objects. These are the authorization objects that allow access to data. You can maintain these authorization objects in the PFCG role, which describes the user's workplace. In the PFCG role that describes the desktop, you can now delete the GENERIC_OP_LINKS folder. If you remix the PFCG role, you will find that many of the unnecessary permissions objects have disappeared.
You should therefore enforce cryptographic authentication and communication encryption by setting up Secure Network Communication (SNC). SNC provides a strong cryptographic authentication mechanism, encrypts data transmission, and preserves the integrity of the transmitted data. For some time now, SNC is freely available without a SSOMechanism (SSO = Single Sign-on) for SAP GUI and the RFC communication of all SAP NetWeaver customers. You should always implement SNC between SAP GUI and application server, as this communication can also run over open networks. For RFC communication, you need an SNC implementation if you think the data transfer could be intercepted.
Search for user and password locks
Do the permissions for a self-developed UI component for the SAP CRM Web Client always have to be maintained manually? Not necessarily - if you define them as suggested values for external services. If you have developed your own UI components in the Customer Name Room in SAP CRM and you want to authorise them via the default process, i.e. create a role menu for a PFCG role using the CRMD_UI_ROLE_PREPARE report, you must do some preliminary work. When you run the report, you will notice that the external services for your own developments are not present and therefore do not appear in the role menu. The only way to qualify your UI components is to manually maintain the UIU_COMP authorization object. However, you can maintain your own UI components as external services with suggestion values in the SU24 transaction and take advantage of this information in PFCG role maintenance.
For accesses by verifier users (from the table TPCUSERN), the selection parameters of the invoked transaction are logged in the application log and can be evaluated with the report CA_TAXLOG. In the example, the single ledger entry for the vendor account 100000 was invoked.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
Now the upgrade work can begin.
At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
An example is the authorization "Debugging with Replace", to which the object S_DEVELOP with the values ACTVT = 02 and OBJTYPE = DEBUG legitimizes and over which data can be manipulated by main memory change.