SAP Authorizations Define security policy for users - SAP Corner

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Define security policy for users
Service User
The IF_IDENTITY interface of the CL_IDENTITY class provides various methods for maintaining the fields of the user master record. As a template for the implementation of the BAdIs, you can use the CL_EXM_IM_IDENTITY_SU01_CREATE implementation example, which automatically populates the SU01 transaction's surname, space number, phone, email address, user group, billing number, and cost centre fields. This example implementation does not provide an external data source; the user name is set as the last name and fixed values are used for the other fields. At this point, you must complete the implementation, depending on your requirements. There are several possible data sources for the user master data that you can access from the BAdI.

For a call of transactions from SAP ERP from the SCM system to work, the RFC connection to be called for each ERP transaction must be maintained. To do this, click the More node details button and select the Target system item.
Authorizations in SAP BW, HANA and BW/4HANA
We recommend you to transport all these changes. Basically, you should always make changes to organisation levels on your development system and then transport them. If you use multiple clients, you should note that the organisation levels and the proposed permissions are client-independent data, whereas the roles and profiles in question are client-dependent. If you are using more than one client, you must also run the PFCG_ORGFIELD_ROLES report in the other mandates to determine the roles that the new organisation level will contain. With the help of this report, you must then rearrange all the roles listed in the Status column: Orgebene in Role are indicated in red. You can select these roles and then use the Reduce in Roles button to adjust them to the new organisation level.

Alternatively, you can maintain this information from the SE93 transaction by selecting a transaction first. You will then be presented with the list of all transactions that can be called from this transaction by using the Tools > Called Transaction Permission menu path. The implementation of SAP Note 1870622 provides a feature enhancement for the SE97 transaction. Among other things, there is the new button Modification Synchronisation. So far, changes in the SE97 transaction have been overwritten by inserting support packages or upgrades. With the modification comparison it is now possible to match your changes with the default values.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

You define security policy about the SECPOL transaction.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

To use the trace data from the USOB_AUTHVALTRC table, first go to the change mode and then either click the SAP Data button or select Object > Add Objects from Trace > Local.
SAP Corner
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