Define security policy for users
Perform Risk Analysis with the Critical Permissions Report
A universally applicable template for a reliable and functioning authorization concept does not exist due to the individuality and the different processes within each company. Therefore, the structures of the company and the relevant processes must be analyzed in detail during the creation process. Some core elements of the authorization concept to be created can be defined in advance. These include the overarching goal, the legal framework, a naming convention, clarification of responsibilities and process flows for both user and authorization management, and the addition of special authorizations. Only with clearly defined responsibilities can the effectiveness of a concept be guaranteed.
Insert SAP Notes 1656965 and 1793961 into your system. With these hints, the report RSUSR_LOCK_USERS is delivered or extended. This report supports automatic selection and blocking of inactive users. To do this, you have to select the criteria in the selection screen of the RSUSR_LOCK_USERS report, according to which you want to lock or invalidate users. You can determine the choice of users by using various criteria. It is recommended to take into account the period since the last login in the Days since last login field and the password status in the Days since password change field. You have the option to check the result of the selection and view the users found. To do this, select the Test of Selection action in the Select Action pane. You can also choose between the User Lock-outs (Local Lock-outs) and User Unlock (Local Lock-outs) actions in this area. You can set the end of a user's validity by clicking the corresponding options for "today" or "yesterday". Note that you can only set the validity for current users.
The context-dependent authorizations combine the general and structural authorizations and avoid situations like in the example above. The context-dependent authorizations can be separated so finely that a separation of functions can be made possible without any gaps. Basically, with context-dependent authorizations, the authorization objects are supplemented by structural authorization profiles. This means that authorizations are no longer assigned generally, but only for the objects in the authorization profile. The use of context-dependent authorizations means that the familiar P_ORGIN authorization objects are replaced by P_ORGINCON and P_ORGXX by P_ORGXXCON. The new authorization objects then contain a parameter for the authorization profile.
Create a message to be displayed to the user when permissions checks fail. The tests in this User-Exit are relatively free. This allows you to read table entries, store data from the ABAP application's memory, or read data that is already there. However, you are limited by the interface parameters of the application. In our example, these are the BKPF and BSEG structures and the system variables. If the information from the interface parameters is not sufficient for the test, you can use your programming skills and knowledge about the interdependencies of substitution and validation in finance to find additional data. The following coding allows you to identify the selected offset document entries that you can find in the POSTAB table (with the RFOPS structure) in the SAPMF05A programme. This way you can find many additional data. It is important that the supporting programme processes the User-Exits.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
How you can prevent access to the SAP menu and only show the user menu to the user, we described in Tip 47, "Customising User and Permissions Management".
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page
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