SAP Authorizations Full verification of user group permissions when creating the user - SAP Corner

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Full verification of user group permissions when creating the user
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Now the SAP system is basically able to encrypt emails. However, the system still lacks the recipient's public key. You can manage the required public key information in the Trust Manager's address book. You can find the address book in the Transaction STRUST menu under Certificate > Address Book. Here you can import individual certificates by selecting the corresponding certificate in Certificate > Import Certificate. To get the certificates for all relevant users in this address book via a mass import, use the example programme Z_IMPORT_CERTIFICATES appended in SAP Note 1750161 as a template for a custom programme.

Once you have archived the change documents from the User and Permission Management, you can use a logical index for change document properties to significantly improve performance. First, however, you must ensure that SAP Notes 1648187 and 1704771 are installed in your systems. These notes provide the SUIM_CTRL_CHG_IDX report, which adds key characteristics for change document characteristics of the PFCG and IDENTITY object classes to the SUIM_CHG_IDX table when you have marked the Indices key change documents field. All change documents are indexed (this can lead to a very long run time when the report is first run). Later, the newly added change documents are indexed regularly (e.g. weekly or monthly). To do this, specify the target date in the selection of the report and schedule it as a regular job. Note that you can only create the index until the previous day - otherwise inconsistencies may occur.
Authorization objects are defined with the help of transaction SU21. Each SAP transaction is equipped with the required authorization objects in SU24, which control access to specific functions within the respective program. Standard programs / transactions of an ERP system are already equipped with these objects during the initial installation. The same applies to other platforms such as CRM or Solution Manager.

Software license management is essential to get an accurate overview of all SAP transactions. We provide you with a transaction database in which the transactions are evaluated with named user license types. Your advantage: the actual usage of your SAP users is matched with the transaction database. "SAP direct access" analyzes the licenses for actual usage and classifies the critical cases. With SAP license optimization we maintain your individual license contracts and compare the results with LAW. We can point out discrepancies, including drill-down to user/client level, directly.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

If a user group is not assigned when a user is created, the user is automatically assigned the default user group.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

To do this, open the authorization object in the SU21 transaction.
SAP Corner
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