Grant permission for external services from SAP CRM
User & Authorization Management with SIVIS as a Service
If you want to set the table logger check for multiple tables, you should note that the principles for changing Dictionary objects apply, i.e. you will generate increased system loads in running systems. Therefore, you should make both the modification and the transport of the changes outside of business hours. The SAP system only provides customising tables for table logging by default; so you don't have to worry about performance. Tables that serve to customise typically contain relatively little data that is rarely changed. However, you should not turn on table logging for tables that are subject to mass changes, as there may be performance and disk space issues. This applies to tables with root or movement data. After all, if table logging is enabled, a log entry in the DBTABLOG table is generated for each change to the contents of a logged table.
Other dangers include admins simply copying user roles, not having control processes for permission assignments, or not following the processes over time. In this context, two things should be clarified: Which SAP user is allowed to access which data? How do the roles differ (especially if they are similar)?
Maintain table permission groups
Only current profile data is always recorded, so that obsolete profiles and permissions in the target system cannot be deleted by transport. This data remains associated with the users and remains effective until it clears a user synchronisation with the Cleanup option (transaction PFUD).
In a local table, find an entry for the user ID that you are creating in the SU01 transaction. For example, such a local table might be an Active Directory replication or a mini personnel master set, or you may have another data source that you replicate to your SAP system. Then, fill in the fields of transaction SU01 with the data from the local table.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
WF-BATCH is often associated with the SAP_ALL profile because the exact requirements for the permissions depend on the user's usage.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
This means that this message must be explicitly requested via a customer message and only then will SAP support release it for you if necessary.