SAP Authorizations Organisationally restrict table editing permissions - SAP Corner

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Organisationally restrict table editing permissions
SIVIS as a Service
In the only method of the BAdIs, CHANGE_ITEMS, programme the necessary checks, such as on specific data constellations or permissions. These can refer to all fields in the FAGLPOSX structure. You do this by specifying that all lines for which the test was not successful will be deleted during the execution of the method. This implementation of the BAdIs complements the Business Transaction Event 1650 described in the second example. You can also use the FB03 transaction to display receipts in the same way that you implement the FB03 filter. In this case, implement the required checks in the BAdI FI_AUTHORITY_ITEM.

The Security Audit Log (SAL) has ten different filters in the current releases, which control which events are logged. You can configure these filters via the SM19 transaction. The events are categorised as uncritical, serious or critical.
SAP Security Concepts
To define table permissions in the PFCG transaction, it is not necessarily sufficient to specify the generic table display tools, such as the SE16 or SM30 transactions, in the role menu. The proposed values for these transactions are very general and only provide for the use of the S_TABU_DIS or S_TABU_CLI authorization objects. Explicit values must be entered depending on the tables that you have selected for permission. To explicitly grant access to the tables through the S_TABU_NAM authorization object, you can create a parameter transaction for each table access. For example, a parameter transaction allows you to call tables through the SE16 transaction without having to specify the table name in the selection screen because it is skipped. You can then maintain suggestion values for the parameter transaction you created.

After the functional specification has been removed, the implementation can begin: To do this, first create your custom authorization object and implement the permission check provided. The next step is to maintain the SU24 transaction proposal values for the respective customer transaction. To do this, call your custom-created transaction and assign the necessary authorization objects either manually by using the Object button, or use the Permissions or System Trace to assign the permissions (see Tip 40, "Using the Permissions Trace to Determine Custom Permissions Proposal Values"). You must leave the authorization objects used in the customer's own coding. For each authorization object, you can maintain field values that appear as suggestion values in the respective roles. Now all the roles concerned must be adapted. If the mixing mode for the transaction PFCG is set to On (see tip 38, "Use transactions SU22 and SU24 correctly"), all PFCG roles assigned to the transaction in the role menu will be recognised and can be remixed via the transaction SUPC. If the customer's transaction is not yet in the PFCG rolls, it will be added here and the respective PFCG role will be remixed.

Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.

If the password is set by the administrator, it will be assigned Initial status.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

Essential system parameters are also part of the audit.
SAP Corner
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